
Clinical Biochemistry involves application of chemistry to the study of disease. This section of our laboratory utilises testing equipment from TransAsia to perform routine (renal function tests) and special tests (Rheumatoid Factor, CRP) on body fluids like serum and urine. The immunology section of our laboratory utilises testing equipment from Mindray and Beckmann Coulter to analyse body fluids for routine parameters like vitamins (Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D) and hormones (Thyroid and Fertility Hormones); and special parameters, some useful in the diagnosis of immune disorders (Anti TPO); and others like tumor markers (CA-125, CEA, PSA). Our fully automated system; commencing from bar coding to Bi-directional interfacing enables the laboratory to minimise transcriptional errors. Our robust internal and external quality control programs further help us improving the quality of our reporting. For comprehensive and reliable diagnostic services, Book Biochemistry lab tests in Panchkula at All About Lab today! Experience the difference in accuracy and care that our professional team provides.

Biochemistry Special Tests